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Showing posts from January, 2021

Instructions for Engineers Working in Pipe Repair and Management

  Introduction: - An engineer has to perform different sorts of work involving pipes. Those works involve hard work, experience, and knowledge at the same time. Here are some instructions for the safety of man and materials. While installing the butterfly valve, install an extension. This step is taken when installing a valve directly to check the pump or valve. This safety step helps in preventing discs of butterfly value from getting in contact with the check valve.       1. The valve must be installed after completing all the welding operations. In the case of non-adhering to these guidelines, it may be risky. When engineers notice that there is some sort of blockage in the pipes, they do hydro jetting . Hydro jetting is one of the safest and effective ways to clear blockages from pipes. It involves a hose that is capable of exerting force through a continuous stream of water. Any clogs or blockages in the pipe get clear. Only welding is not enough, The eng...